Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach

Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach
Date of Birth:2 january 1977 year
Place of Birth:Leningrad, USSR
Family status:divorced
Social networks:VK | YouTube

Elena Likhach (real name Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach) is a popular poetess originally from St. Petersburg. Laureate of the «Golden Pen in Vyatka» award and nominee of another «My Russia» award. After the publication of the first collection of poems in 2003, thousands of readers have joined the fans of her work.

Childhood in hometown of Elena Likhach

On January 2, 1977, a beautiful girl was born, who in the future will become a famous poetess. Her parents and beloved grandparents were also natives of St. Petersburg. The girl’s father, Alexander, worked for many years at the Severnaya Verf shipbuilding plant. Mom Marina worked by vocation as a teacher at school, taught mathematics to students.

The girl often visited her grandparents, who lived on Ligovsky Prospekt. Grandmother, like a mother, was a teacher, but at a music school in the piano class. Grandfather worked in construction as an engineer. But from his youth, the man was fond of literature and devoted all his time to reading the outstanding works of Russian classics and studying the stories of their lives.

It was the grandfather and grandmother who largely influenced the formation of the circle of interests of the girl. Elena still remembers with tenderness in her voice how her grandfather told excerpts from works and read poetry.

School education of Elena Likhach

Elena studied at a regular school, but also attended a music school. Parents clearly saw the girl’s predisposition to art, so when the idea arose to send the girl to a music school, there was no doubt.

Education at school was easy for Elena. She grasped all subjects, but most of all she liked foreign languages ​​and literature. At the music school, the girl also had success. She was very talented and all the teachers noted it. The girl participated in solo concerts and felt confident on stage. The society of educated intelligent people has always attracted her, and she felt in it like a fish in water.

It is worth saying that Elena has achieved considerable results in sports. She was engaged in fencing, has grown to the level of a master of sports. But a leg injury made adjustments to his sports plans.

The beginning of the creative activity

For a long time, writing poems was a hobby that relatives and close friends knew about. But Elena could not keep her full potential in herself, so in 2003 she released the first collection of her poems. These were works mostly dedicated to the beloved city of St. Petersburg. The poetess loved to walk its streets, enjoying its beauty and special atmosphere. Even a reader who has never been to St. Petersburg will not remain indifferent when reading her poems.

Four years later, in her thirties, Elena released the next collection under the symbolic title «Thirtieth Spring». In this collection, the reader gets acquainted with works dedicated to childhood memories, love. The poetess also touched upon the eternal philosophical problems of life and, of course, gently and touchingly described the beauty of spring nature.

Search for inspiration, creative experiments

When inspiration was exhausted, the poetess went on a journey. Thanks to her excellent knowledge of languages, she feels great abroad. A trip to Barcelona and Rome made a special impression on her.

Elena greatly respects and appreciates classical literature, but she is always open to the new and modern. She is not averse to participating in literary battles. Elena enjoys attending literary evenings, events and exhibitions.

Elena Likhach on the Internet

The poetess, to the delight of fans of her work, uses social networks. Her pages can be found on YouTube, Telegram, Instagram and Yandex.Zen. In addition, Elena has created her own website dedicated to her life and work.

Elena does not consider herself a very ambitious poetess. She writes for the soul and for pleasure, and not for earnings. But she modestly says that she would be happy to know that her poem will sound at least once in an audience or school office.

Personal life, free time

Elena is the mother of two beautiful girls Lisa and Alina. Relations with her husband did not quite work out, so the couple divorced. Daughters do not yet show a special interest in poetry, but the poetess believes that it is not yet time and they will definitely show themselves.

The poetess spends her free time with her children, and also devotes it to creativity and reading her favorite works of modern and classical creators. Elena no doubt calls Pasternak and his «Doctor Zhivago» her favorite.

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  1. Катерина

    Вчера закончила читать сборник стихов «Тридцатая весна» писательницы Likhach Elena. Хочу сказать, что стихи неплохие, со смыслом и грамотно составлены. Поэтессе удалось передать душевность и ностальгию в своих строках.

  2. Алла Чапленко

    Люблю творчество Елены Лихач за ее искренностью и любовь к окружающему миру. Она тот человек, которого не хватало нашему обществу и миру литературы. Жаль, что не так много времени она уделяет именно творчеству, но то, что уже есть в книгах – обязательно стоит почитать каждому любителю поэзии.

  3. Анна Каренина

    О Елене Лихач. Я слышала очень давно. Наверное, во времена, когда вышел ее первый сборник, даже читала его. Потом как-то ничего не появлялась у нее, и я вообще забыла, кто она) И вот недавно листаю актуальное в инстаграм и попадается ее профиль. Я на полчаса залипла, читая ее стихи, накрыла меня ностальгия. Теперь сама жду чего-то новенького от поэтессы.

  4. Дарья

    На досуге читала книгу «Тридцатая весна», впечатления разделились. Есть стихи, которые касаются городской лирики и мне они прям очень понравились. Все, что касается любовной лирики – скучно и однообразно.
