Elena Likhach is a poet of modern times, is a laureate and a prestigious award winner. She has been fond of literature since her school years, but she called 2003 the beginning of her creative path, when the first collection of poems “At the Bottom of Petersburg Wells” was published.
Childhood and family
Elena Alexandrovna is a third-generation native Petersburger, born on January 2, 1977. The girl’s parents worked in their hometown all their lives. Mom worked as a mathematics teacher, and dad worked at the Severnaya Verf shipyard.

According to the poet, her love for art and literature was instilled in her by her grandparents. They lived on Ligovsky Prospekt, and little Elena often came to visit them after school. Grandmother taught piano to students, and grandfather worked as an engineer all his life.
The poetess often recalls a cozy apartment in which there was the smell of pies cooked by her grandmother and the smoke of grandfather’s cigarettes. It was he who instilled a love for poetry in young Elena, as he had a phenomenal memory and could retell the biographies of famous writers for hours and read their works by heart.
School and first successes
Grandmother strongly recommended to parents and the girl to give preference to a school where she could develop the noticed abilities, and the parents decided to send Elena to a music school. Teaching was easy, especially foreign languages. From a young age, the girl learned to stand confidently in front of the public in her performances, which helped in later life.
Even at school, Elena Alexandrovna wrote the first drafts of poems in her notebooks, which a lot of them gathered during her studies. She preferred not to share her talent with others, because she considered her poems to be complete nonsense and threw tons of notebooks away. Over time, she managed to overcome perfectionism and embrace her creativity. Also, Elena was engaged in fencing and received the title of candidate of sports in this sport. She took part in city and regional competitions, where she showed good results. But a knee injury made the girl forget about this sport.
The beginning of literary activity
During school, the girl began to accept her poems and gradually shared them with others. When she realized that many accepted her work, she decided to develop in this direction.
The childhood and early years of the poetess fell at the peak of the development of rock culture. Therefore, Elena Alexandrovna collaborated with many bands of this direction and wrote songs for well-known bands: Vosstaniya Square, Chimera, Barcode and many others.
Higher education
After graduating from school, Writer Elena Likhach entered the university of her native city with a degree in Foreign Languages in the Field of International Relations, because she was good in foreign languages. Studying at the university was beneficial, by the time she graduated from St Petersburg University, Elena was fluent in English and French, which helped her to travel freely around Europe and get to know the world. Her favorite countries are Spain and France.
Development of creative skills
The occupation of youth turned into a hobby, and in 2003 the poetess released her first collection of poems, “At the Bottom of St. Petersburg Wells”. She has always claimed that the main inspiration for her is her hometown of St. Petersburg. Walking through the old part of the city – the lines themselves come to her. And one of the sights of the city is courtyards-wells, which became a new inspiration for writing a collection.

The poetess did not stop at the first achievements and in 2007 she released the second collection “Thirtieth Spring”, dedicated to her anniversary. She confidently held on until the end of the event, this she learned in her school years. Poetry battles opened up a new side of the poetess and helped her to develop herself with confidence in the literary direction.
Online life of the poetess
This year, the poetess actively took up the development of her creativity on the Internet and introduced her fans to the official website – elenalikhach.ru. Also, she actively conducts conversations with her audience on Instagram, Facebook, Vkontakte, Telegram. There is a YouTube channel where you can find poems in videos. Writer Elena Likhach talks about her real life on Yandex Zen.
The digitalization of creativity has significantly expanded the audience of the poetess and made it possible to share her creativity freely every day. Elena Alexandrovna holds conferences and webinars with the younger generation, talking about the importance of motherhood and personal development.
Personal life
At the moment is divorced and independently raises two children – Alina and Elizabeth. She calmly shares the history of her divorce with the audience and considers this to be quite normal, which must be approached with optimism and understanding. So far, the girls are not very interested in literature, but this is only a matter of time, as the poetess herself says.
In her free time, Writer Elena Likhach likes to visit book exhibitions and literary events. She writes poetry and spends time with her children. So far, the poetess considers poetry only her hobby, honestly there is no particular profit from this. Elena also has her favorite work connected with foreigh languages. The woman is widely known among the St. Petersburg intelligentsia and likes to go out as often as possible.
She considers Pasternak and his work “Doctor Zhivago” to be her favorite writer. Elena jokingly says that if she managed to write something so incredible, she would no longer rhyme a single line.
Обращалась к Елена Лихач по поводу перевода документов для международной дочерней компании. Слова за слово и узнала, что она еще и поэтесса. Рад интереса спросила, как найти ее творчество. Она долго не отвечала на этот вопрос и говорила: «Не надо, вам не понравится». Так вот, Елена Александровна, меньше сомневайтесь в своих силах, стихи замечательные и заслуживают высокую оценку.
Найти адекватного поэта современности очень трудно. Все, кто случайно попадал на стихи в интернете молодежи – прекрасно меня поймут. Лена Лихач – еще нормально вполне!
С Еленой Лихач я знакома, ее дочки учатся у нас в школе. Вижу, как она забирает их со школы и иногда переговариваемся после обучения. Приятная, красивая женщина, которая всегда следит за собой и старается успеть все.